No option, just enjoy the life / Excursions and visits / Hiking / Cultural stay /
Brocantes and antiques shops / Spiritual stay/ Groups or families/
Nudity / From sensuality to pleasure
Book the owner himself for all services you desire

Option Enjoy = nothing else than a peaceful life. You'll see...

Excursions and visits in the natural park Perche (= an afternoon), or more distant destinations such as Paris, a Loire castle or the sea (= all the day)
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Hiking. There are many and well-signed hiking trails, difficult or not
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Cultural stay. Mainly in summer: concerts, theater, visit to Chartres Cathedral, castles, museums. The history of Perche, the architecture...
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Stay in bocantes and antique shops. Perche is a region where antiquing is a pleasure: they are everywhere. We visit them like museums! Don't hesitate, there are some all year round, but even more in the summer.
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Gay spiritual exchange stay. It is about discussing and reflecting on certain themes. The facilitator is trained in these themes and group dynamics. The themes covered vary regularly and touch on very different areas.
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Group or family stay (6 people max). In this case, there is no other person than you and me. Groups or family may be naturist too (look at the link at the bottom of this page)

Book-me option (new option requested by some people). Since your pleasure is my pleasure, you can book myself for your service in everything. You demand me my all my time, my car, my services, you can want that I sleep with you, and my body is yours. You will dictate your will to me, I will obey.
Book me here : I rent you or by email

Naturism : Nudity at home and in the garden is welcome.
Nudity means total liberty : no shame, no limit, no judgment.
Discover some options about our naked life

Sensuality : From sensuality to the full pleasure of the senses.
Look at the website and book
Informations : +33 6 16 48 21 56 or